Edvard Munch generally signed his masterpieces, photos and letters. His signature ranged from a monogram "EM" to spelling out his full name. Munch's most iconic signature is a partially shortened form, "E.Munch" or "Edv. Munch." The style of his first initial, "E" varied from cursive to print.
The writing of his last name is more consistent, though he also fluctuated between cursive and print. Munch often included a date next to his signature, sometimes adding the full year and other times us the last two years.
A signature enhances the value of a print and most artists signed their prints in pencil. These are two facts leading to signature forgeries. The signature is only a part of the authenticating process. Factors such as the size of the sheet, the type of paper, the appearance of watermarks and the quality of the impression all should also be evaluated.
Vampire II. 1895-1902
An example of Munch's signature, in pencil from Vampire II. Signed 'Edv Munch' on the lower right. A lithograph and woodcut in colours.
Todeskuss (Kiss of Death). 1899
From Todeskuss (Kiss of Death) (Sch. 119; W. 144). A lithograph, executed 1899, on cream wove, signed in pencil.
Madonna. 1902
Example from the lithograph "Madonna". Signed 'Edv Munch" in pencil 'on the lower right. Executed in 1902.
Violin Concert (Sch. 211; W. 243). 1903
Violin Concert (Sch. 211; W. 243). A lithograph, 1903, on Japon, Signed in pencil.
Kopf bei Kopf (Head to Head). 1914
Kopf bei Kopf (Head to Head). A woodcut on wove paper, signed in pencil.
MADONNA Executed in 1895ø
"Madonna", an oil on canvas signed 'E. Munch' in the upper right. Executed in 1895.
Døden og barnet (Death and the Child). 1899
"Døden og barnet" a pencil on paper. Inscribed 'En figur høirød, andet sort grat' (upper right). Bearing the inscription 'Originalstudie av Edv Munch "Morens død 1899. Bremen'
Robat pa sjøen. 1904
"Robat pa sjøen". Painted in 1904. Oil on Canvas and signed with the initials 'E Munch EM' on the lower left.
Munch Experts has analyzed thousands of Edvard Munch signatures, and can determine the authenticity of yours. Contact us to get started.